

With this work searchs a presentation of the vehicle, motor-home, basically, a vehicle endowed with a itinerante lodging, with dormitory, and environments of stay, that it exists in Brazil with manufactures since the decade of seventy and have for vision to offer a scene, possibilities that draw out the existence of such modality in Brazil.

Through carried through bibliographical research in books, small farms in the InterNet and research, I come to present a research work that it aims at to approach a tourist applicability of the vehicle in Brazil, as well as pointing clearly with that demand if foca this activity.


With this work I present a last scene and some viabilities of the use of this vehicle, fits the next studies a economic deepening so that if it can offer an access more wide known, however keeping the exclusiveness of the trip with an engine-home

Marcos Pivari
CEO e Editor do MaCamp | Campista de alma de nascimento e fomentador da prática e da filosofia. Arquiteto por formação e pesquisador do campismo brasileiro por paixão. Jornalista por função e registro, é fundador do Portal MaCamp Campismo e sonha em ajudar a desenvolver no país a prática de camping nômade e de caravanismo explorando com consciência o incrível POTENCIAL natural e climático brasileiro. "O campismo naturaliza o ser humano e ajuda a integrá-lo com a natureza."


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